Black Knight

Created on 27th August 2023

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Forgemaster's Helmet

Black and Light Gray Dye Module

Forgemaster's Chestpiece

Primary Black Dye Module

Forgemaster's Bracers

Primary Black Dye Module

Force Apprentice's Gloves

Primary Black Dye Module

Forgemaster's Belt

Primary Black Dye Module

Freelance Hunter's Greaves

Primary Black Dye Module

Force Apprentice's Boots

Primary Black Dye Module

Tythian Lightsaber Pike

Advanced Blood Red Eviscerating Crystal

Empty tuning slot



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27th August 2023

chest highlight color changes with lightsaber crystal, doesn't show on character select unfortunately. Blood red gives the forgemaster set accents a nice deep orange glow , complimenting the black perfectly.

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